If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.
That may be the case with other vacation rental sites, but not with Shore Summer Rentals. Online scammers are getting more and more prolific with their fake vacation rental listings, stealing thousands of dollars from unsuspecting victims. All rental platforms, such as Airbnb, VRBO, and even Craigslist, are experiencing rental scams and scrambling to verify the rental properties available on their respective sites.
At Shore Summer Rentals, we take pride in the lengths we go through to ensure that neither our owners or renters ever experience such criminal acts. From Belmar, NJ, to Fenwick Island, DE, the shore house rental properties available on our site are validated and verified before being posted. All owners are required to provide proof of ownership before we allow them to advertise on our website. That way, we can guarantee a mutually beneficial relationship between our owners and renters.
With an unregulated vacation rental industry, internet scammers continue to gain the courage to perform criminal acts and scam millions of people out of their money and their dream vacations. Crooks will use photos of real vacation homes to lure victims into their trap. If couples or groups are interested enough to rent the advertised property, scammers will doctor contact information and contractual agreements to swindle renters out of their money. Vacationers won’t suspect any fraudulent activity until they show up at the rental to find out that it’s either unavailable or it never existed.
While Airbnb and VRBO have experienced their fair share of rental scams, by far, the worst offender is Craigslist. A staggering 25% of vacation rentals of Craigslist are fake listings. But if scammers are smart in using high-quality photos and false contact information, how are renters supposed to know they’re not getting the real deal?
Most fake listings will give off red flags that signal something is wrong. If your potential vacation rental shows any of the following warning signs, contact the Federal Trade Commission and report the fraud here.
– The rental owner refuses to meet face-to-face.
– The listing provides limited photos and little to no description.
– Prices don’t match surrounding properties.
– The owner asks you to wire funds. Never wire funds!
You don’t have to worry if you’ll be scammed out of your vacation if you book with Shore Summer Rentals. As a 15-year-old family-business, our number one priority is our customers. We work hard to make sure both owners and renters are satisfied with their beach vacation rental experiences, from Cape May, NJ, to Bradley Beach, NJ.